
Pope Francis Encyclical 

Source: Pope Francis Encyclical

A readers’ guide to ‘Laudato Si” | National Catholic Reporter

Source: A readers’ guide to ‘Laudato Si” | National Catholic Reporter

Tomgram: Naomi Oreskes, Why Climate Deniers Are Their Own Worst Nightmares | TomDispatch


Source: Tomgram: Naomi Oreskes, Why Climate Deniers Are Their Own Worst Nightmares | TomDispatch

Three Simple Rules for Eating Seafood

Eat American. Different kinds. Mostly farmed filter feeders, like oysters.

Source: Three Simple Rules for Eating Seafood

How mankind blew the fight against climate change – The Washington Post

“Shareholder engagement” with companies such as Exxon Mobil accomplishes nothing.

Source: How mankind blew the fight against climate change – The Washington Post

Norway Will Divest From Coal in Push Against Climate Change –

Parliament voted to order the nation’s pension fund to shift holdings out of billions of dollars of stock in companies that rely at least 30 percent on coal.

Source: Norway Will Divest From Coal in Push Against Climate Change –

Climate Deal Badly Needs a Big Stick –

Fruitless efforts to seriously curb greenhouse gas pollution suggest a new approach is warranted — making it costly not to join an international consortium committed to fighting climate change.

Source: Climate Deal Badly Needs a Big Stick –