
Why You Should Plant Oaks

These large, long-lived trees support more life-forms than any other trees in North America. And they’re magnificent.

Source: Why You Should Plant Oaks

Home | Global Forest Review

Source: Home | Global Forest Review

Japan’s Kyoto cherry blossoms peak on earliest date in 1,200 years – The Washington Post

Source: Japan’s Kyoto cherry blossoms peak on earliest date in 1,200 years – The Washington Post

White Nationalist TV News: Even Networks and CNN are falling for ‘Border Crisis’ Propaganda

Source: White Nationalist TV News: Even Networks and CNN are falling for ‘Border Crisis’ Propaganda

End Vaccine Apartheid Before Millions More Die | Inter Press Service

At least 85 poor countries will not have significant access to coronavirus vaccines before 2023. Unfortunately, a year’s delay will cause an estimated 2.5 million avoidable deaths in low and lower-m

Source: End Vaccine Apartheid Before Millions More Die | Inter Press Service

Nobel Economist and 100 Experts Condemn Corporate Action against Argentina and Bolivia after Rollback of Failed Pension Privatization

Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, Juan Somavia, Jeffrey Sachs, Jose Antonio Ocampo and more than 100 high-level development experts have issued a statement protesting insurance corporations suing Argent

Source: Nobel Economist and 100 Experts Condemn Corporate Action against Argentina and Bolivia after Rollback of Failed Pension Privatization

Hope & Numbers: What will it take to Tip the Scales on Climate Action?

We should be well on the way to solving the climate crisis by now.According to the Paris Agreement, last year should have been the year that all countries presented their commitments to cut carbon

Source: Hope & Numbers: What will it take to Tip the Scales on Climate Action?

We are taking astounding risks, warn researchers – Stockholm Resilience Centre

Source: We are taking astounding risks, warn researchers – Stockholm Resilience Centre

“Wake Up!”: Human actions are threatening the resilience and stability of Earth’s biosphere – the wafer-thin veil around Earth where life thrives. This has profound implications for the development of civilizations, say an international group of researchers in a report published for the […]

Human Rights Measurement Initiative – The first global initiative to track the human rights performance of countries

Source: Human Rights Measurement Initiative – The first global initiative to track the human rights performance of countries

Does Another Plastics Plant in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’ Make Sense? A New Report Says No – Inside Climate News

Source: Does Another Plastics Plant in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’ Make Sense? A New Report Says No – Inside Climate News