
NY Times hired a hippie puncher to give climate obstructionists cover | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian

Source: NY Times hired a hippie puncher to give climate obstructionists cover | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian

Changing minds on a changing climate – Yale Climate Connections

Source: Changing minds on a changing climate – Yale Climate Connections

Goldman Prize (@goldmanprize) | Twitter

Tweets by goldmanprize

Britain just went a whole day without burning any coal for electricity. | Grist

That’s a first since the Industrial Revolution — and an indication of big changes for the better.

Source: Britain just went a whole day without burning any coal for electricity. | Grist

Introducing the 2017 Goldman Prize Winners 🌟

Source: Introducing the 2017 Goldman Prize Winners 🌟

How many tree species are there? More than you can shake a stick at, new database reveals

Archive will help researchers and policymakers monitor tree diversity

Source: How many tree species are there? More than you can shake a stick at, new database reveals

Guess Who’s for a Carbon Tax Now – The New York Times

Source: Guess Who’s for a Carbon Tax Now – The New York Times

Climate Solutions Caucus – Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Source: Climate Solutions Caucus – Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Scott Pruitt Faces Anger From Right Over E.P.A. Finding He Won’t Fight – The New York Times

Source: Scott Pruitt Faces Anger From Right Over E.P.A. Finding He Won’t Fight – The New York Times

Green Power

Green Power – Wave of the Future

Françoise d’Estais, Angus McCrone & Ulf Moslener

The price of renewable energy — especially solar power — continues to tumble, and the result is more green power generating capacity for fewer dollars. That’s the bottom line message from the latest figures on world investment in clean technologies. […]