
Explainer: Understanding Carbon Trading and its Rationale | Inter Press Service

Source: Explainer: Understanding Carbon Trading and its Rationale | Inter Press Service

Is climate action on extreme heat a human right? » Yale Climate Connections

Source: Is climate action on extreme heat a human right? » Yale Climate Connections

Is climate action on extreme heat a human right?

It was a provocative opening question that I posed to the science education graduate students in my climate justice course at San José State University. Put another way: Is a government’s failure […]

251: Unreal

Source: 251: Unreal

251: Unreal

This is the premium edition of Fix The News, a weekly roundup of good news, mind-blowing science, and the best bits of the internet. If someone forwarded this, you can subscribe here. One third of your subscription fee goes to charity. Listen to our podcast. You can buy a gift subscription for someone else here. […]

Climate: The right kind of tipping point

Source: Climate: The right kind of tipping point

Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving net zero emissions in the agrifood system | Green Policy Platform

Source: Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving net zero emissions in the agrifood system | Green Policy Platform

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates | Mariana Mazzucato | The Guardian

Source: The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates | Mariana Mazzucato | The Guardian

Corporations invested in carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian

Source: Corporations invested in carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian

WWF Sues Norway Over Approval of Deep-Sea Mining in Arctic Waters – EcoWatch

Source: WWF Sues Norway Over Approval of Deep-Sea Mining in Arctic Waters – EcoWatch

Opinion | American voters are wrong about the economy. Whose fault is it? – The Washington Post

Source: Opinion | American voters are wrong about the economy. Whose fault is it? – The Washington Post