
Heating will be costly this winter, but much less so… | Canary Media

Source: Heating will be costly this winter, but much less so… | Canary Media

Two-thirds of US money for fossil fuel pours into Africa despite climate goals | Cop27 | The Guardian

Source: Two-thirds of US money for fossil fuel pours into Africa despite climate goals | Cop27 | The Guardian

More People Are Walking, and Pedestrians Are Taking Back the Streets

Source: More People Are Walking, and Pedestrians Are Taking Back the Streets

How debt-for-climate swaps can help solve low-income countries’ fiscal and environmental challenges at the same time

Source: How debt-for-climate swaps can help solve low-income countries’ fiscal and environmental challenges at the same time

Haven’t We Moved Past the “Raising Awareness” Stage of the Climate Fight? | The New Republic

Source: Haven’t We Moved Past the “Raising Awareness” Stage of the Climate Fight? | The New Republic

Elementary school students ride a ‘bike bus’ to school in Portland – The Washington Post

Source: Elementary school students ride a ‘bike bus’ to school in Portland – The Washington Post

Artist’s Postcards Depict 50 States in Climate Crisis

Source: Artist’s Postcards Depict 50 States in Climate Crisis

Environmentalists Fear a Massive New Plastics Plant Near Pittsburgh Will Worsen Pollution and Stimulate Fracking – Inside Climate News

Source: Environmentalists Fear a Massive New Plastics Plant Near Pittsburgh Will Worsen Pollution and Stimulate Fracking – Inside Climate News

Greenpeace accused of greenwashing Egypt’s image ahead of Cop27 | Cop27 | The Guardian

Source: Greenpeace accused of greenwashing Egypt’s image ahead of Cop27 | Cop27 | The Guardian

Cop27 climate summit: window for avoiding catastrophe is closing fast | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Source: Cop27 climate summit: window for avoiding catastrophe is closing fast | Climate crisis | The Guardian