Source: Governments at COP24 should focus on building a global electricity grid — Prof. Damien Ernst
Source: Climate Trauma: Toward a New Taxonomy of Trauma | Ecopsychology
Source: The Green New Deal may be falling short on its environmental justice promise | Grist
Source: Opinion | One Cheer for the Green New Deal – The New York Times
Source: The Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas caused Global Cooling in the 17th Century
Source: Green New Deal, I’ve Got One Word for You… Plastics
Source: Green New Deal: What is it, what does it mean for climate change?
Source: Lower Sea Level Rise but More ‘Climate Chaos’? Two New Studies Predict Polar Ice Melt Consequences – EcoWatch
Source: House Democrats Hold First Climate Change Hearings in More Than 5 Years – EcoWatch
Source: The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the World’s Sand – Yale E360