With its political and economic clout, the G20 should lead in delivering sustainable food systems as the world grapples with rising hunger, malnutrition and inequality.That was the consensus of le
Source: Maine Will Make Companies Pay for Recycling. Here’s How It Works. – The New York Times
By Winston Choi-SchagrinPublished July 21, 2021Updated July 22, 2021, 5:58 a.m. ET
Recycling, that feel-good moment when people put their paper and plastic in special bins, was a headache for municipal governments even in good times. And, only a small amount was […]
They also aim to put pressure on world governments ahead of the United Nations climate talks, COP 26, set to take place in Glasgow, Scotland, this November; a study released late last year found that G20 governments are committing 60 percent more to fossil fuel–based activities than to sustainable investments in their Covid-19 responses.