
Editorial: COP26 shortcomings point to mission for all Catholics | National Catholic Reporter

Source: Editorial: COP26 shortcomings point to mission for all Catholics | National Catholic Reporter

The Biden Administration’s Drilling Auction Shows Why the Paris Agreement Isn’t Enough | The New Republic

Source: The Biden Administration’s Drilling Auction Shows Why the Paris Agreement Isn’t Enough | The New Republic

THE NEW COLONIAL CONQUEST OF LIFE HAS BEGUN – Other News – Voices against the tide

Source: THE NEW COLONIAL CONQUEST OF LIFE HAS BEGUN – Other News – Voices against the tide

The Seven Lawmakers Who Will Decide the Climate’s Fate – The Atlantic

Source: The Seven Lawmakers Who Will Decide the Climate’s Fate – The Atlantic

Coal: why China and India aren’t the climate villains of COP26 – Other News – Voices against the tide

Source: Coal: why China and India aren’t the climate villains of COP26 – Other News – Voices against the tide

Whales More Important for Ecosystem Health Than Previously Thought

Source: Whales More Important for Ecosystem Health Than Previously Thought

Study: Loss of Historical Lands Creates Climate Risks for Indigenous Nations

Source: Study: Loss of Historical Lands Creates Climate Risks for Indigenous Nations

COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter

Source: COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter

Opinion | Social Media Is Polluted With Climate Denialism – The New York Times

Source: Opinion | Social Media Is Polluted With Climate Denialism – The New York Times

Climate Promises Made in Glasgow Now Rest With a Handful of Powerful Leaders – The New York Times

Source: Climate Promises Made in Glasgow Now Rest With a Handful of Powerful Leaders – The New York Times