
Vegetarians Produce 59% Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions Than Meat Eaters, Study Finds – EcoWatch

Source: Vegetarians Produce 59% Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions Than Meat Eaters, Study Finds – EcoWatch

‘Disastrous’ Use of Plastics in Agriculture Threatens Soil and Human Health, UN Report Warns – EcoWatch

Source: ‘Disastrous’ Use of Plastics in Agriculture Threatens Soil and Human Health, UN Report Warns – EcoWatch

Conservatives Have a New Bogeyman: Critical Energy Theory | The New Republic

Source: Conservatives Have a New Bogeyman: Critical Energy Theory | The New Republic

“This morning at the ALEC Committee meetings,” Jason Isaac, director of the Koch-funded Texas Public Policy Foundation, wrote last Friday morning, “you’ll have the opportunity to push back against woke financial institutions that are colluding against American energy producers.” The email—obtained by the […]

Portugal Creates Europe’s Largest Marine Reserve

Source: Portugal Creates Europe’s Largest Marine Reserve

Laudato Si’ Action

Source: Laudato Si’ Action

Drought Study on Madagascar Underlines Complexity of Climate – The New York Times

Source: Drought Study on Madagascar Underlines Complexity of Climate – The New York Times

How Close Are We to Climate Tipping Points? | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Source: How Close Are We to Climate Tipping Points? | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Five rules to make sure coal-plant buyouts aren’t making a big climate problem bigger  – Climate & Capital Media

Source: Five rules to make sure coal-plant buyouts aren’t making a big climate problem bigger – Climate & Capital Media

Plastic trash in the ocean is a global problem, and the US is the top source – a new report urges action

Source: Plastic trash in the ocean is a global problem, and the US is the top source – a new report urges action

Plastic waste of all shapes and sizes permeates the world’s oceans. It shows up on beaches, in fish and even in Arctic sea ice. And a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine makes […]

Remote Ocean Wilderness Is as Important as Marine Reserves

Source: Remote Ocean Wilderness Is as Important as Marine Reserves