
Extremely Rare Pair of Twin African Elephants Born in Kenya – EcoWatch

Source: Extremely Rare Pair of Twin African Elephants Born in Kenya – EcoWatch

450+ Scientists Want Advertisers to Ditch Fossil Fuel Clients – EcoWatch

Source: 450+ Scientists Want Advertisers to Ditch Fossil Fuel Clients – EcoWatch

The International Day of Prayer and Awareness against human trafficking

Source: The International Day of Prayer and Awareness against human trafficking

Groundwater — not ice sheets — is the largest source of water on land and most of it is ancient

Source: Groundwater — not ice sheets — is the largest source of water on land and most of it is ancient

Groundwater is used for irrigation and drinking water, but those wells are rarely more than one kilometre deep. A huge volume of salty water exists as much as 10 kilometres below the Earth’s surface. […]

Hydrogen’s Hidden Emissions | Global Witness

Source: Hydrogen’s Hidden Emissions | Global Witness

Shell’s fossil hydrogen plant in Canada found to be emitting more climate-wrecking gases than it is capturing

In just a few years, hydrogen has shot into mainstream conversations about tackling the climate crisis. It is now one of the most hotly discussed energy topics, and a very particular […]

Climate Activists Criticize BlackRock CEO for Supporting a Slow Green Energy Transition Away From Oil and Gas – EcoWatch

Source: Climate Activists Criticize BlackRock CEO for Supporting a Slow Green Energy Transition Away From Oil and Gas – EcoWatch

How to get New York City’s biggest buildings to zero… | Canary Media

Source: How to get New York City’s biggest buildings to zero… | Canary Media

Moment for Nature to Provide Assessment Amid High-level Meetings | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD

UNGA President Abdulla Shahid outlined priorities for the remainder of the 76th session. He said a ‘Moment for Nature’ will take place in July, noting that the 76th UNGA coincides with high-level meetings on biodiversity, desertification, the ocean, energy, and climate.

Source: Moment for Nature to Provide Assessment Amid High-level Meetings | News | SDG […]

ExxonMobil’s 2050 Net-Zero Pledge Is Laughable Greenwash

Source: ExxonMobil’s 2050 Net-Zero Pledge Is Laughable Greenwash

The headline on the ExxonMobil website claims “ExxonMobil aims to achieve net-zero emissions.” Click through and it says in greater detail that “ExxonMobil aims to achieve net-zero emissions from its operated assets by 2050.” It continues by noting, “This ambition applies to scope 1 and scope […]

Why Climate Change Is Pushing Up Lumber Prices – The Atlantic

Source: Why Climate Change Is Pushing Up Lumber Prices – The Atlantic