
‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Source: ‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Robin McKieSat 30 Jul 2022 11.48 EDT

The publication of Bill McGuire’s latest book, Hothouse Earth, could not be more timely. Appearing in the shops this week, it will be perused by sweltering customers who have […]

Analysis: Media Reports Delay Climate Action by Missing the Story on Dutch Farmer Protests | The Energy Mix

Source: Analysis: Media Reports Delay Climate Action by Missing the Story on Dutch Farmer Protests | The Energy Mix

Unsurprisingly, these dramatic protests quickly captured the attention of news outlets beyond the Netherlands. Yet most of this international media coverage has reported on the protest by characterizing it as a homegrown effort led by […]

What’s Inside Manchin and Schumer’s Astonishing Climate Deal – The Atlantic

Source: What’s Inside Manchin and Schumer’s Astonishing Climate Deal – The Atlantic

Livermore Labs’ Energy Chart Tells Us What We Have to Do

Source: Livermore Labs’ Energy Chart Tells Us What We Have to Do

The Parliament of the World’s Religions Celebrates the UN Recognition of “The Right to a Healthy Environment” as a Basic Human Right – Parliament of the World’s Religions

Source: The Parliament of the World’s Religions Celebrates the UN Recognition of “The Right to a Healthy Environment” as a Basic Human Right – Parliament of the World’s Religions

Clean energy would get big boost from new climate… | Canary Media

Source: Clean energy would get big boost from new climate… | Canary Media

To Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms and Dead Zones, the U.S. Needs a National Strategy for Regulating Farm Pollution – EcoWatch

Source: To Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms and Dead Zones, the U.S. Needs a National Strategy for Regulating Farm Pollution – EcoWatch

Manchin’s Inflation Reduction Act: What’s Good and Bad for Climate

Source: Manchin’s Inflation Reduction Act: What’s Good and Bad for Climate

Message of the Holy Father Francis for the Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Source: Message of the Holy Father Francis for the Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Manchin Poison Pills Buried in Inflation Reduction Act Will Destroy Livable Climate – Center for Biological Diversity

Source: Manchin Poison Pills Buried in Inflation Reduction Act Will Destroy Livable Climate – Center for Biological Diversity