
Points of Comparison — Can we Afford a Fair Global Climate Transition? – EcoEquity

Source: Points of Comparison — Can we Afford a Fair Global Climate Transition? – EcoEquity

“Anything we can actually do, we can afford”.

– John Maynard Keynes

Points of Comparison — Can we Afford a Fair Global Climate Transition?

How to create the political backing for the international effort necessary to achieve a fair and rapid global climate transition, even though that support would be properly denominated not in billions of dollars but rather in trillions, or even as percentages of Gross World Product?

One eye-opening approach is to proceed by way of comparison – to show that the likely costs of the climate transition, great though they may be, are small when considered against the alternatives, and entirely affordable when considered against other, even larger expenditures, which we routinely accept as inevitable, even though they are often ill-conceived and sometimes criminally frivolous, and tend increasingly to be self-destructive on a monumental scale…

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