
Immigration Justice USA


The USCCB’s Justice for Immigrants Campaign is pleased to announce our Pray for the DREAM weekend and we encourage all interested parties to participate. Between September 18th and October 9th scores of dioceses, parishes and other faith groups will be planning events and/or incorporating petitions, homilies, and prayers into the Sunday Masses in support of our DREAM Act eligible students and youth.

We plan to lift up the human face of suffering from an otherwise political issue through personal stories and testimonies, while also sharing many of the ways that Catholic Social Teaching calls us to support our innocent immigrant youth who want nothing more than a chance to succeed in this world and reach their God-given potential.

The JFI Campaign is looking to coordinate events and Masses in support of immigrant youth with a special focus on Sunday, September 25th, although other Sundays may be chosen as well. We hope that your Congregation will assist us in this endeavor. The goal is to continue the call for the DREAM Act while also urging President Obama to protect vulnerable populations including DREAM Act eligible youth and parents of citizen children from unwarranted detention and deportation.

Please go to to find sample “Pray for the DREAM” resources that can be used to support your events. If you plan to participate in Pray for the DREAM, please complete the form at:

For questions or additional support, please contact Jaci Braga at or Tony Cube at

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