
June | 2022 | UN-DESA-VOICE

Source: June | 2022 | UN-DESA-VOICE    Oceans 

Vol 26, No. 06 – June 2022

“This is the year to stop the decline of the ocean’s health”

“With every breath we take, we are connected to the ocean,” says UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, Ambassador Peter Thomson. Ahead of the UN Ocean Conference taking place in Lisbon this month, we catch up with him about the current state of the ocean and why this year will be critical to turn the tide to improving its health.

Why is the ocean’s health in trouble?

“Rising carbon emissions are making the ocean more acidic, weakening its ability to sustain life underwater and on land. Plastic waste is choking the ocean. And if we continue on our current track, more than half of the world’s marine species may stand on the brink of extinction by 2100.

Solutions exist to restore the health of the ocean, but they will require action from all parts of society, from world leaders down to every one of us.

There can be no healthy planet without a healthy ocean, and the ocean’s health is measurably in decline.”

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