


Source: LSUS Awards Followup

We invite you to read details about all of the winners here.
Enjoy watching the recording of the awards session here.
You can watch all the LSUS session recordings here

Click image to view the recording of awards session

Thank you for accompanying us on this journey towards ecological conversion. As Sr. Kathleen Deignan, CND said during her acceptance speech:

“I wish to salute all the Laudato Si’ Champions waiting in the wings. I want to bless you with the blessing I received and that I must pass on…dare to share a vision of that new Earth your passion will restore to life of every being…dare to preach it and sing it. Be bold and imaginative in serving our Mother Earth. The grace will be given. Pour your life into it. Consecrate all your gifts to it. and let creation care be your great work as it has been mine for these many, many decades.”

We are thrilled at how this year’s LSUS conference highlighted the faith-filled work being done at all levels of the U.S. Catholic Church to respond to the global crises of climate change, ecological deterioration, and poverty. 

We face many daunting challenges, but we remain hopeful and committed to honor the spirit of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ and to do so as we animate the Laudato Si’ Action Platform within the United States.


Catholic Climate Covenant

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