Source: Pipeline Resistance Gets the Goods | Ted Glick
Fortunately, the no new fossil fuels movement is in no way demoralized, speaking generally. And a very good example of this fact is what happened in the town of Pearisburg, Virginia, deep in the heart of coal country in southwest Virginia, a few days ago.
On Tuesday February 25th 12 pipeline fighters, almost all of them young people, were sentenced in a Giles County courtroom for nonviolent direct actions they had taken over the last year and a half trying to stop the completion of the fracked-gas transporting Mountain Valley Pipeline. All locked themselves to construction equipment, inserted their bodies into pipelines or locked down to block roads leading to construction sites. Some were facing felony charges, though most were charged with misdemeanors.
Without any on the ground knowledge, people not from this part of the country, coal country, would likely expect the sentences handed down to be harsh, but that wasn’t the case. No one was sentenced to jail time; instead, after negotiating down all the felonies to misdemeanors, each of the 12 was sentenced to 50 hours of community service per misdemeanor. For some with three misdemeanors this meant a sentence of 150 hours.
And though the issue of fines was put off to future court dates, it is impossible to see this result as anything but a big victory for the climate justice movement.
A major reason for this positive result was the presence of over 100 supporters, mainly but not solely young people, filling to overflowing the 89-seat courtroom. One court officer said that there had never been anything like this before. An additional reason was the refusal of those charged to plead guilty to any felonies or overly repressive deals over the many months leading up to this day of reckoning in court.
The primary organization which did these actions and has led this direct action resistance is Appalachians Against Pipelines. AAP is famous for a 932-day tree sit in Montgomery County, Va. between 2018 and 2021 on the planned pipeline right of way.
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