
Updates, Boost, News: This Week — Faiths4Future

Source: Updates, Boost, News: This Week — Faiths4Future

COP27 Wrap Up. COP wrapped last weekend and starting Monday I’m sure a lot more material will come available to help better understand what happened, and what the impacts will be. Here is an initial explainer from The Guardian, from the World Food Programme ‘Five things I took away from COP27 – on women, young people and climate action.’ The UN also has its own Faith-Based Engagement page for COP, which includes a newsletter. I didn’t see any follow up material there as of Sunday, but I’m sure it’s coming.

Loss and Damage & COP 27: An agreement was reached in the 11th hour to create a fund to address the impacts of the climate crisis. A lot more to come about this as the agreement is better understood. Here is an initial article from the Guardian, Cop27 agrees historic ‘loss and damage’ fund for climate impact in developing countries 

COP 27 – Be inspired & called to act. From the Sierra Club, “Humanity Has a Choice”: A Roundup of Some of the Best Speeches at COP27 Look also at Bill McKibbon’s salute to COP 27 Activists (thank you, Terry!) Activists are the Engine

Ecocide Law: A reminder of the importance of passing an international law to stop the destruction of the planet, a law to stop Ecocide, at the international level. Learn more about the effort in general, and the robust faith-community support. Read also a conversation about why Ecocide laws are so important on faiths4Future.

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