
What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? – Other News – Voices against the tide

Source: What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? – Other News – Voices against the tide

By Michael von der Schulenburg*

Outlining the possible outcomes from the probable scenarios

Whether there will be a chance for peace in Ukraine depends, above all, on the United States! For the USA, this war is about its geostrategic goals and only geostrategic considerations will persuade the USA to agree to a peace solution. Here are a few thoughts:

Not the war, but what led to the war must be addressed first

The war in Ukraine is the result of a misguided attempt by the US after the end of the Cold War to establish a security order in Europe through a NATO expansion that excludes Russia. In doing this, the USA was hardly driven by any security concerns for European countries, but almost exclusively motivated by its geostrategic concerns to secure its position as the sole dominant global superpower. The accession of Ukraine, as well as of Georgia, to NATO would be its crowning achievement of an eastward expansion of NATO that began in 1994.

*Former UN Assistant Secretary-General, escaped East Germany in 1969, studied in Berlin, London and Paris and worked for over 34 years for the United Nations, and shortly the OSCE, in many countries in war or internal armed conflicts often involving fragile governments and armed non-state actors. These included long-term assignments in Haiti, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Sierra Leone and shorter assignments in Syria, the Balkan, Somalia, the Balkan, the Sahel, and Central Asia. In 2017, he published the book ‘On Building Peace – rescuing the Nation-State and saving the United Nations’, AUP.

Article published by MEER and sent to Other News by the author.

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